It was a long day at work today. We had our visitor from the state come and check on the K-3rd classrooms. They do this because we are a Reading First school.
They come to see if we are following Reading First Guidelines. This happens once a year. Last year they were not happy with our school. I was the only teacher who got positive evaluation on what they were looking for.
I hope we did better this year. But, we have a lot of teachers in our building who refuse to follow any kind of guidelines. If it’s not what they want to do, they just ignore what they’re asked to follow.
Thursday is also my day that I do not get a planning period. This usually makes the afternoon seem very long. We do go to computer lab, which helps. The kids love this and it’s a great way to get them involved in some of the things that we’re working on in class.
Today, was not so bad, though. We had an assembly. A man from Springboard to Learning came. He was awesome. He told the kids stories and poems. He had us all laughing the whole time. His stories and poetry were meant to teach morals and integrity which was really cool. The kids loved it and so did the adults.
Thursday is a tutoring day for me. So, I’m at school for an hour and a half after the regular day. I have 6 kids in my tutoring group this semester. One of them was absent yesterday, though. We had fun in tutoring. I let them use the computers and the Smart Board for the first half. Then, we worked on some vocabulary and played a vocabulary game.
Tonight, I made a quick supper. I was really tired. I think having the people from the state in the building had me more stressed than I realized. I got very tired once we hit lunchtime and I knew they were finished in my room.
I had to go to Michaela’s school for Parent Teacher conferences. I really like her teacher. She was feeling some stress, too. Her principal picked yesterday to come in and do an observation of her. This on top of them having to work all day with students and then having to be at work until 7:30 or later the last two nights for conferences.
Michaela is doing well. We need to work harder on getting her to remember to fill out and turn in her reading logs, though. She’s only turned one in during the past four weeks. It’s made her reading grade slip down to a B. I’ll accept a B in any other subject from her except
After the kids went to bed, I settled down to watch LOST. My dear friend in MN was online so we turned on our Yahoo Messengers and “watched” the episode together. That was so much fun. Michael does not watch things like that. He really doesn’t like television or movies because they are not like real life. Whatever! So, it was fun to be able to talk to someone while I was watching it.
Technology is so cool. Because of it I was able to watch one of my favorite shows with one of my favorite people even though there about 520 miles between us. Of course, if it weren’t for this technology, she and I would have never even met, either. It’s because of the Internet that I have met some of the best friends a person could ever hope for.
Seriously, the very best friends I’ve ever had in my life, I have met online and would never have met them if it weren’t for the Internet. I have learned so much more about myself and how relationships work from these people that I am lucky to call my friends than I would have had I never met them. The only thing that is hard is that I live so far away from most of them. Once you get to know someone you want to spend time in the same breathing space as them.
I will get to do this soon. Next weekend my friend that I watched LOST with last night is coming down here for a visit. She will be with her three kids and her mother-in-law. We are going to go to the Magic House, Incredible Pizza, maybe the
Maybe someday I’ll make it up to MN to visit her. I also really want to visit my other friends at some point. They are pretty much scattered all over the
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