Today started out as a normal Saturday for us. I got the bills and check book stuff all done early, which is a relief. I was also not behind in any of it for a change. I'm trying to get myself back on track with that so I don't get behind anymore. I don't like the way that feels.
The kids and I went to Walmart and I did great there, today. We didn't need much so our final bill was so much less than it has been in the past. This made me happy.
We came home and all of us started working on chores. Both kids cleaned their rooms and I tried to straighten mine up a little. I also took care of part of the kitchen and got laundry started. Caleb dusted and vacuumed the steps and the furniture. Michaela cleaned the bathroom and vacuumed the upstairs. They both worked really hard. I did manage to get a couple loads of laundry done before I needed to make lunch.
Michael came home as we were getting ready to eat, so he had lunch with us. Then, we just kind of hung out around home. Michael still is not feeling great, so he laid down on the bed. I dozed, sort of, on the couch while the kids played on the Wii and the computer.
Then, my friend from MN called.
She arrived here somewhere around 2:00 p.m. Today was the only possible day that we could go to the Magic House while she iss here and they close at 5:30 p.m. so we headed out there as soon as we could get together. Due to my mistake it took a little longer to get there than it should have, but we got there and had a couple hours to play in the museum. The kids all had so much fun! It was great to see them all playing together and having fun. Aaron has gotten so tall. He was so fun to watch, he was so "serious" in his explorations of everything. The Magic House was PACKED and the main floor was a mad house. But, we had fun anyway.
After that we had planned on going to Incredible Pizza. Well, it's pretty new to our area and I've never been there. It's supposed to be on the same road as The Magic House, but we got down close to the IL boarder and I do not know my way down there at all so, we decided to come back to St. Charles and go to CEC instead.
Jill's kids road in my van with me on the way back to St. Charles. Tina is so funny. She just talked my ear off all the way back. She'd start every thing with "Chrystal, I gotta tell you something." I wish I could remember everything she said because she made me laugh so much. She told me about six times that she had bubble gum and that her mom brought juice for her. When we were looking for Incredible Pizza she kept saying, "I found it!" *LOL*
Then, she told on Jill's sister. She said, "Chrystal, I gotta tell you something." So I said, "Ok, what is it?" She said, "Aunt Brandi can speed!" *LOL* And, then she proceeded to tell me that she was naked in the car, but she had a pull up on. Jill, I think decided these were two different stories that happened at different times.
A little later Tina says, "Chrystal, I gotta tell you something." I said, "Ok." She said, "The bathroom in St. Louis smells like alcohol." *LOL* Jill explained that her mother-in-law has really bad allergies to things used in cleaning hotel rooms and has to wipe things down with alcohol to keep from breaking out. But, Tina proceeded to tell me the smell would go away and that then the bathroom would smell like chocolate milk. We've not figured out what this means yet.
Tina also sang for me. She sang Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Did you know that ... Rudolph the red nose reindeer had a very shiny nose and I wish you ever saw it you would even say it glows and all of the other reindeer, reindeer had a very shiny nose and if I wish you ever saw it you would even say it glows.
Well, we had a little trouble getting to CEC because where I had planned on turning has been blocked off. This particular overpass they've been working on for two years and every time you go across it they've got a different configuration. We also had fire trucks go past us and end up separating us. I had to wait in a Walgreen's parking lot so Jill could catch up to us. I thought that was very rude of those fire trucks. But, we finally made it to CEC.
HOLY COW, CEC was a mad house, too! *LOL* I've been there on Saturday evenings before, but they were making you wait in line to get in, to regulate how many people were in the building. It was crazy. They even had people finding tables for you. Luckily we didn't have to wait long once we told them how many of us there were.
Of course, the kids had a great time there even with all the craziness. It did start to thin out quite a bit before we left. Tina and Aaron both got to cash in their tickets. Michaela and Caleb brought theirs home to add to our growing stash. I need to count them all up. I think they have what we set our goal to by now. They came home with somewhere around 350 tickets.
By the time we left Tina was really getting tired as were both of my kids. I think we got home around 9:00 p.m. My kids went straight to bed. I will going to bed here real soon, too.
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