Tuesday, February 26, 2008

February 26, 2008

We did not have a staff meeting at work today, but I still had to stay until 4:30 and work in my room. That's ok, it meant I was able to get some things done. It's nice to be able to just work in my classroom undisturbed. I feel like I accomplished a decent amount of work. We don't have grade level meetings this week either so I'll get my whole double planning period to myself tomorrow.

Tonight will be mainly getting all those Girl Scout cookies sorted and into bags for each person who bought cookies. I really hate this part of being a mom of a Girl Scout. Honestly, I'm not even looking forward to eating any of them this year. Every year "Michaela" ends up selling around 250 boxes of cookies. Do you have any idea what 250 boxes of cookies looks like sitting in a family room??? She ended up being top seller in her troupe this year. I don't think that means anything except she gets to say, "I am top seller."

Michael made "tags" that lists all the cookies each person bought and what they owe so we can staple them to the bag for each person. We did this last year and it just made things so easy. I'm lucky that my husband does things like that to be involved, too. It makes life easier for me. And, the kids get to develop a great relationship with him.

One of us needs to go do grocery shopping tonight, too. I wonder if I can talk him into taking two turns since I did. I might tell him that he has a choice. He can either put the cookies into bags or go grocery shopping. We'll see what happens. Right now, really, all I can think about is bedtime.

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