It was a busy day for us. I tried to get as much laundry done as possible before church because I knew I'd not have a whole lot of time to do it after church today.
We went to church normal time today. It was a better sermon and not so tedious today. Although, sometimes I wonder if preachers really "hear" what they are saying to people. But, that's a different post for a different blog.
After church we went through the drive through at Taco Bell because we had very little time to eat before we had to be back at church. We brought it home and ate and then left again very soon afterwards.
Today was the day they had the funeral for a very nice man from church that died this week. He had been battling cancer for a while now. He lost that battle on Wednesday. He was a really neat man. He was always laughing and joking around and had a great sense of humor. I really only knew him from church, but I knew his wife before that. She was a teacher at the grade school I went to as a kid. I never had her myself, but I did work with her some when I did my student teaching there. She is a very nice woman. I know this was a big loss for her because she and her husband were very close.
There were tons of people at the funeral. They had to get out extra chairs and still there were people standing. I don't think that church has seen that many people in the sanctuary at once in years.
It was a nice service. The preacher did a great job with the eulogy. They sang one of my favorite hymns, too. Michael and his parents are sad over this because they all like him very much. Michael's parents were very friendly with him and his wife. I feel badly for them because I know it hurts them to have lost their friend.
We went to the grave site for the burial ceremony. It was very cold and there was ice coming down. We were not able to get close enough to hear what was going on, but we all huddled together to stay warm. They had a gun salute and taps was played on the trumpet because he was in the military. He was 76 years old. I did not realize he was that old, by the way he looked I thought he was in his mid-60's. I'm glad we went to the grave site ceremony. I know Michael wanted to go and it was important for him.
After the funeral we came home. We hung out at home for a while. I was able to get a couple more loads of laundry done. Michael laid down for a short time. The kids just played around the house.
Then, by late afternoon we left to meet Jill at her hotel. The plan was to go to RT Weilers for supper. We got down there to find out that it was closed, They changed their hours and had a sign on the window stating that their new hours includes closing at 4:00 p.m. on Sundays. What a bite. I was not happy. So, we ended up going to Steak 'n Shake instead.
After we ate, Jill took her kids back to the hotel. We came home so Michael could get ready to go to his meeting at church. I took the kids to my mom's and then went back out to Jill's hotel.
She was not ready when I got there so I played with the baby for a little bit while she finished getting ready. She was getting the older two kids ready for bed and getting them settled for the evening. Her mother-in-law had agreed to watch them so Jill and I could go out and spend some time just the two of us.
We left the hotel around 7:40 or so. We went to Denny's to have desert. We sat there and talked and laughed for a long time. The waitress, I think was getting impatient for us to leave. I wasn't too worried about since they were not busy and we were not keeping her from turning over a table. But, we were there until about 10:00 p.m. We then went to Wal-mart just so we could wander and talk some more. After that I took a very long route back to her hotel so we could talk even more. It was fun to get to talk to her one on one like that. I did not want the evening to end, but at 11:45 we decided we'd been out long enough and I took her back to her hotel.
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