Wednesday, February 27, 2008

February 27, 2008

Well, I ended up doing the grocery shopping and sorting girl scout cookies last night. I was not hungry at supper time, so while everyone else I ate I went ahead and headed to the grocery store. That way I got it out of the way early.

Then, the kids helped Michael and I sort cookies until they had to go to bed. We managed to get through all the orders I had to bring to work today before they went to bed. It was nice all four of us working together. Michael and I finished up the rest of the orders after the kids went to bed.

Today I rushed around and delivered most of the cookies to my co-workers at school. I have a lot of people who did not order either because they didn't know I had the order form or because they were not around and I just did not get to ask them order some now. I think next year I'm just going to make up a bunch of single form orders and leave them in the teacher's lounges with a note saying to fill out what they want and leave it in my mailbox. That way I may be able to get everyone.

We had frozen pizza for supper tonight because I was just too lazy to fix something else. No one seemed to complain, though. Michael and the kids went over to MIL and FIL's house to give them their cookies and they were gone until after 8:00 pm. I sat and watched Wife Swap. I'm not proud, but hey, we're all entitled to our "guilty pleasures." Although, don't you have to at least feel a little guilt for it to actually be a guilty pleasure?

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