Work was pretty normal. But, after work I started to feel like I'd never get a chance to sit down. Since it's an election day, we did not have a staff meeting, so I went and did the grocery shopping before I picked up the kids.
By the time I got to the grocery store it was POURING down rain. I did have my umbrella with me, but with the wind it didn't do much good. It was still raining hard when I came out of the grocery store. I managed to drop a glass jar that from some miracle did not break. And, then trying to hold a small umbrella in a lot of wind while putting groceries in the back of the van is not an activity I wish to do often. One of my bags broke and everything that was in it ended up rolling around in the basket. That was fun.
Then, when I got to the daycare center, the parking lot was packed. I had to park about as far away from the door as the parking lot would allow. Great. More walking in the cold rain. I also managed to hit the curb with my tires about four times trying to get into a spot because the back part of the parking lot is not very conducive to turning large vehicles. It's the one big gripe I have with my daycare center, their parking lot. It sucks.
By the time the kids and I made it back to the van, we were all soaked. My umbrella really didn't do much good. Again, the wind just whipped that rain all around us. So, we came home and got into our pj's right away.
I put away the groceries and cleaned up the dishes that needed to be put in the dishwasher. Of course this meant putting the dishes that were in the dishwasher away, too. Then, I finally was able to get supper started. Supper tonight was mac 'n cheese. But, that's not all I did. guess I was queen of multi-tasking tonight because as I was cooking and eating I updated the check book. I hate that job, but it needed to be done desperately.
Then, I helped Caleb register his two new Webkinz and his Mushabelly Mushkin. He and his sister played on the computer until 8:00 pm. Michaela and I read for about 20 minutes. Caleb wanted his back rubbed. And, then finally I could relax some. Of course nothing decent has been on television and I've already had all the politics I can take. So, I was just poking around on the Internet.
Michael is gone until tomorrow evening. He should be home around 6:30 or so. It usually does not bother me when he leaves. I mean it is a very rare occasion that he does, but when it happens it usually does not bother me. This time, for some reason I just don't like it. I want him home. I miss him a lot and am not even looking forward to having the bed to myself which is very unlike me. I'm not sure what's going on, but I do know I'll be glad when he's home tomorrow night.
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