Saturday, November 24, 2007

November 21, 2207 ~ Cleaning Day

Well, it took me all day to get the house clean. Michaela spent most of the day in her room doing things that really did not need to be done. At one point I had to pull her out and have her help me with the vacuuming even though she was not "finished" with her room.

Michael came home at the right time tonight. He helped by cleaning and cutting up the celery for me so I could clean the back bathroom really good. I also managed to get three loads of laundry finished also.

After the kids went to bed I took a shower and kind of just laid around until about 10:00 pm. At that time I put clean dishes away and put the few dirty dishes that had accumulated in the dishwasher. Then, I got the turkey stuffed and in the oven and went to bed.

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